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Michigan Streamnet

Enhancing Education in Michigan

MI Streamnet delivers streaming video to educators in Michigan, and increasingly, across the country. The project was initiated as a means to provide live and on-demand video resources to educators and the public: professional development programming, curriculum content, and coverage of other educationally related government events such as State Board Meetings.

The MI Streamnet project is administrated by the REMC Association of Michigan. REMC centers around Michigan participate by relaying streamed programs to the areas they serve, and some REMC’s originate content as well.

Wayne County Regional Educational Service Agency (RESA), is a member of the statewide REMC organization, and the fiscal agent for REMC MI Streamnet. Local project administration, including web design, server support, and project management, is performed by Wayne RESA Instructional Media and Technology Services staff.

Merit Network hosts the primary and auxiliary relay servers for MI Streamnet, which are connected directly to Merit’s backbone network.

The Michigan Department of Education provides funding and a great deal of content for MI Streamnet.

For more information, please visit the MI Streamnet web site.