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US Ignite

Pushing the Boundaries of Ultra-Fast Broadband Networks

US Ignite is an initiative to develop next-generation Internet applications and services for use on virtualized, high-speed broadband networks. Merit Network’s high-speed network is among the networks that compose the infrastructure for the research initiative.

The primary goal of the US Ignite Partnership is to catalyze approximately 60 advanced, next-gen applications in six areas of national priority: education and workforce development, advanced manufacturing, health IT, transportation, public safety, and clean energy. Responsibilities of the Partnership will include connecting, convening, and supporting startups, local and state government, universities, industry leaders, federal agencies, foundations, and community and carrier initiatives in conceptualizing and building new applications. The resulting new applications should have a significant impact on the US economy, including providing a broad range of job and investment opportunities.

The advanced technologies that will power the US Ignite initiative have been developed through the National Science Foundation’s GENI (Global Environment for Network Innovation) program. and by US Ignite’s commercial partners. Flexibility is provided through the use of Software-Defined Networking, which enables greater customization and dynamic resource allocation over networks. Speed is provided by symmetric ultra-fast connections. And “GENI Racks” power the low-latency, programmable local cloud capabilities available to US Ignite applications.

For more information, please see the US Ignite web site.