Pre-negotiated Discounts
Discounted Access to VMware Solutions
The Quilt is the non-profit national coalition represented by 36 of our country’s most advanced regional research and education networks. Participants in The Quilt provide advanced network services and applications to over 250 universities and thousands of other educational institutions. Through an agreement with Carahsoft and VMware, The Quilt has successfully leveraged its collective buying power for discounts on various VMware licenses and services by securing a convenience contract for its members and their communities.
The Quilt | VMware Contract
Program Features:
- The Quilt contract is pre-negotiated, allowing customers the ability to purchase VMware products quickly and easily as all procurement rules and requirements have been met and done for them.
- The Quilt contract has the best pricing structure for Education Customers outside of ELA’s, that require large upfront purchase commitments.
- The Quilt | VMware contract is a cooperative agreement and is therefore not protestable under the Competition in Contracting Act (CICA) allowing institutions to avoid the costly and time consuming RFP process during procurement as it has already been completed by The Quilt.
- The ease of procurement is in addition to the value added by partnering with Carahsoft.
- No upfront purchasing commitment
Eligibility & Requirements of Service:
Merit Membership is required to take advantage of this pre-negotiated contract. The Quilt | VMware contract is available to the entire Merit Community. The Quilt has established advantageous discounts for VMware products and services, which allows academic, healthcare, and state and local government access to this convenience contract. In addition to software license discounts, VMware has extended discounts on items such as Support and Subscription Services (SnS), Renewals, Managed Services, Training, and Professional services.
Product Discount(s):
- Software Licenses
- Support (SnS)
- Training
- Professional Services
Pricing, Terms & Conditions:
This program offers up to 18% off list price. In order to receive pricing, please contact Carahsoft for The Quilt | VMware Consortium Pricing. If you do not have a preferred reseller, Carahsoft can help you partner with one of VMware’s Top Solution Providers. The contract number is MSA-05022016F.
General questions about purchasing under The Quilt | VMware contract can be directed to your Merit Member Engagement Manager, or more specific questions may be answered by the Carahsoft 24/7 support line (888-662-2724) established to assist Reseller Partners and VMware customers.
To obtain additional online information on The Quilt | VMware contract, please refer to the following links:
VMware Convenience Pricing Program