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Tag Archives: Merit Research

February 10, 2016

A Data Repository for Cybersecurity Research and Education

Finding adequate data for network and cybersecurity research, student education and staff training is a challenging task. Researchers and other data seekers usually do not have access to the data source in order to collect the data themselves or lack…
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October 14, 2014

Merit Researchers Participate in NSF-funded Smart Grid Project

ANN ARBOR, Mich. — Merit Network researchers are leading an investigative project that is exploring cyber threats against critical infrastructure, including the modernized electric grid—the Smart Grid. The project is funded by the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Secure and Trustworthy…
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June 15, 2010

Last IPv4 Addresses May Already Be Cluttered

Reprinted from PC World The few blocks of Internet addresses yet to be allocated under the old IPv4 protocol seem to be home to some "hotspots" of unwanted traffic that anyone who gets the addresses would have to pay for,…
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June 15, 2010

Researchers Probe Net’s Most Blighted Darknet

Reprinted from The Register Researchers probing a previously unused swath of internet addresses say they've stumbled onto the net's most blighted neighborhoods, with at least four times as much pollution as any they've ever seen. The huge chuck of more…
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