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Merit Community Supporters

Note: This article from Merit's News Archive is over 2 years old. The information contained within it may be out of date, including missing images or broken links.

September 26, 2016

Since 2010, Merit Community Supporters have provided over $300,000 in financial support for Merit Members, either directly through Professional Development Scholarships or through financial sponsorship of our conferences and summits.

The current roster of Community Supporters is:

  • ADVA Optical Networking, a leading provider of telecommunications hardware, software and services
  • Data Strategy, a leading provider of virtualization, storage management, backup and archival data management tools
  • Juniper Networks, a leading provider of networking infrastructure equipment

Through the generous support of these three vital organizations, Merit has been able to offer free or reduced cost Professional Development to more than a dozen Merit Members, just in the last two years. Many of the scholarships were awarded to Members who would not have had access to Professional Development without the assistance.

Our relationships with our community supporters go beyond scholarships and sponsorships. These companies are trusted vendors in the Merit community, who value Merit’s work as a research and education network and work hard to help Merit Members succeed.

If you are interested in becoming a Merit Community Supporter, contact Pierrette Renée Dagg at [email protected].

You can also learn more about the Merit Community Supporters at the upcoming Security Summit, on November 7. All three will be there sponsoring the event, make sure to stop by their tables.

Adva OpticalData StrategyJuniper Networks