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This is the Appendix section of the Michigan Moonshot Broadband Framework document. It is a compilation of open source tools to assist and inform project leaders as they navigate through the community network lifecycle journey. In this appendix, you will find legal templates, matrixes, and feasibility studies that will act as informational guides through each step of the process.

  1. Template RFP Evaluation Matrix (1 page). Building a broadband network will entail the issuance and evaluation of several requests for information, proposal, or quotation. Each of these issuances should be evaluated using a standardized quantitative metric. This template evaluation matrix provides the basis for a team to evaluate these responses fairly and effectively.
  2. Template Broadband Feasibility Study RFP (2 pages). This template can be used to request proposals for a broadband feasibility study. These relatively low-cost studies require less effort than bids in later stages of this project, however, they should still be competitively bid.
  3. Template FTTH Consulting Services RFP (10 pages). After a project receives funding, this template can be used to contract consulting services necessary to oversee and manage the execution of the project. Project management is included in this request, but can be optionally removed if a local project management resource is available.
  4. Template Engineering RFP for FTTP (24 pages). This comprehensive proposal can be used as a template for the design and engineering of a fiber to the premise network.
  5. Template ISP Operator RFI (17 pages). If a community has decided to retain local ownership of the network but hire a private ISP operator to run it, this template can be used for the selection process. Due to the fact that the details of an ISP operator relationship will vary based upon availability and response, this request is structured as an RFI rather than an RFP.
  6. Template Construction RFP – USDA Form 515 (175 pages). This format has been used for the competitive selection of contractors on USDA-funded utility projects. It has become the standard template for utility projects and is widely understood by construction firms.
  7. Template RFQ for Drop Construction (3 pages). Although it is preferable for drop construction to be performed by a mainline construction firm or the ISP operator, this is not always possible. In this event, it is imperative to ensure that competitive pricing is achieved. The miles of construction for drops can become lengthy, sometimes rivaling the miles of mainline construction.
  8. Template RFP for Drop Construction Matrix (1 page). This drop construction RFQ includes a matrix with unit prices to be filled in directly by respondents.
  9. Legal Template – Broadband Bond Proposal Resolution (3 pages). This template can be utilized when a municipality is seeking to fund a broadband network using a bond issuance backed by a millage.
  10. Legal Template – Notice of Public Hearing for Broadband Bond Proposal (1 page). This template will act as a process guide when giving the legally required notice of a public hearing for a broadband bond proposal.
  11. Legal Template – Municipal Broadband Ordinance (4 pages). When a municipality chooses to offer broadband services, (even if these services are being operated by a third party) the municipality must adopt a municipal broadband ordinance. This template provides a basis for such an ordinance.
  12. Legal Template – Resolution to Adopt Municipal Broadband Ordinance (4 pages). When it is necessary for the adoption of a municipal broadband ordinance, this template can be used to create the resolution.
  13. Legal Template – Notice of Adoption for Municipal Broadband Ordinance (1 page). This template can be used to provide the required legal notice when adopting a municipal broadband ordinance.
  14. Legal Template – Consent and Franchise Agreement for Broadband (4 pages). Some situations may require broadband infrastructure to be transferred into or through adjacent municipalities. In such situations, this template can be used to form an agreement between the involved municipalities.
  15. Legal Template – Resolution Granting Authority to Install Fiber (3 pages). When it is necessary for a municipality to grant permission to another municipality to build broadband infrastructure into or through their own municipality, this template can be used to generate a resolution.
  16. Feasibility Study Examples (Download All). This section contains examples of actual feasibility reports conducted by municipalities in Michigan.
    1. Lyndon Township (Pulse Broadband) (29 pages)
    2. Dexter Township (Pulse Broadband) (44 pages)
    3. Webster Township (Pulse Broadband) (43 pages)
    4. Manchester Township (CCG) (71 pages)
    5. Sharon Township (CCG) (59 pages)
    6. Ann Arbor Township (CTC) (158 pages)
    7. City of Holland (CTC) (124 pages)
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