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Why Leadership?

Note: This article from Merit's News Archive is over 2 years old. The information contained within it may be out of date, including missing images or broken links.

January 27, 2017

Why leadership and not management? What is the difference and why does it matter? Managers measure and control process to count value while leaders motivate and influence people to create value. Managers create circles of power while leaders create circles of influence. Managers have subordinates while leaders have followers. Management is the function that coordinates resources (people, places, things) to accomplish goals efficiently and effectively. Leadership influences people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation operating to accomplish the goals that contribute to success. Leadership is not a function of position, title, or rank but a function of role and activity. It is the ability to influence and inspire that truly separates leadership from management.

So why leadership? Because history and research shows people and organizations need and seek out leaders. Anyone directly responsible for people or for accomplishing goals through the actions of others is a leader by definition. Organization entrusts its leaders with its most precious resource, its people. It is the organization’s people who do the work, no matter how difficult, no matter how boring, and no matter how exhausting. There is no substitute for effective leadership nor is there any way to compensate for the absence of it. Ultimately, organizations either succeed or fail to achieve goals depending upon the effectiveness of its leaders.

To be successful, organizations require confident leaders who have the character and competence to lead. Current research shows that nearly 50% of “leaders” in organizations do not believe they are provided with the necessary skills to be successful. Fewer than 5% of upper level managers have received any type of leadership training. This is especially true of managers placed in leadership positions without the opportunity to develop the necessary skills. Leadership development is needed to take charge and adept in today’s business world, but where do you get effective leadership training? There are many programs, but few are effective in developing leaders and in making long-term change.

Merit’s Academy Leadership program is different from all other leadership-training programs. It does more than just talk about leadership, its definition, principles and styles. What separates Academy Leadership from other programs is that participants apply what they learn and know about leadership as they develop their own personal leadership philosophy. A leadership philosophy is where they state what their vision of leadership means to them incorporating their personality, values, principles, expectations, style, and commitment. Merit’s Academy Leadership program can help create the confident and competent leaders needed in today’s dynamic world.