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NANOG Community Endorses Organizational Changes

Note: This article from Merit's News Archive is over 2 years old. The information contained within it may be out of date, including missing images or broken links.

October 6, 2010

Atlanta, Georgia – Merit Network announced today that NANOG (the North American Network Operators’ Group) has voted to endorse plans that will establish NANOG as an independent community-driven organization.

NANOG is an educational forum where the operators of backbone and enterprise networks share information and operational best practices. NANOG, formed in 1994, has become a vital meeting point for professionals who make the Internet work. NANOG meetings have been held three times each year, and the NANOG email discussion list currently has over 10,000 members. Since its founding, NANOG has been hosted by Merit Network of Ann Arbor, Michigan.

In voting at the organization’s 50th meeting in Atlanta, members of the NANOG community supported a charter amendment to transition the hosting of NANOG following NANOG51 in February 2011 to NewNOG, a newly formed non-profit. NewNOG wishes to assume responsibility for continuing NANOG’s activities, and appreciates the community’s support for an orderly transition of NANOG’s operations from Merit to NewNOG.

Don Welch, Merit’s president, expressed appreciation for the community’s vote. “Merit supports this initiative to continue NANOG as an independent organization managed by NewNOG. We believe the NANOG community possesses the leadership and resources to continue as an important information exchange among network operators.”

Manish Karir, Merit’s Director of Research, noted Merit’s intention to participate in NANOG in the future. “NANOG is a unique resource for people and organizations that are interested in advancing networking practices. Merit’s operations and research groups will continue to attend NANOG meetings, present findings from our operational and research work, and participate on the active NANOG email list.”

Welch notes that leaders of Merit and NewNOG will now work on completing plans to transition NANOG’s operations to NewNOG, with a target to complete this work after NANOG51, to be held in February 2011 in Miami.

About Merit Network

Merit Network Inc., is a nonprofit corporation owned and governed by Michigan’s public universities. Merit owns and operates America’s longest-running regional research and education network. In 1966, Michigan’s public universities created Merit as a shared resource to help meet their common need for networking assistance. Since its formation, Merit Network has remained at the forefront of research and education networking expertise and services. Merit provides high-performance networking and IT solutions to Michigan’s public universities, colleges, K-12 organizations, libraries, state government, healthcare, and other non-profit organizations.

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