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Merit Wavelength Services: Optical Networking For Optimal Performance

Note: This article from Merit's News Archive is over 2 years old. The information contained within it may be out of date, including missing images or broken links.

December 18, 2020

Reliable, low-latency, and secure private connections power the crucial resource for transforming and advancing an organization: Data.

Data enables choice. Organizations can make the best and most critical business decisions when empowered with optimal transportation, processing, and protection of information. Merit Member organizations involved in data-heavy projects like research, cloud connections, DR/BC planning, or healthcare need a lower cost connection with low latency and high, dedicated capacity.

Merit Wavelength Service is a robust, fully-managed, high-bandwidth network option capable of supporting a myriad of data-intensive applications. Institutions avoid the cost and complexity of owning and operating a dedicated network infrastructure, and experience data streaming secured by a wavelength frequency on a separate, non-shared circuit- both utilizing consistent, high data speeds without frames or packets.

Merit Wavelength Service (MWS) is a lit, point-to-point, managed optical wavelength service using Dense Wave Division Multiplexing (DWDM) transport capacity between two locations on Merit’s DWDM Network. Merit Wavelength Service utilizes the optical channel in the newly-merged Merit/Michigan LambdaRail (MiLR) network, now known as the Michigan Innovation Network (MiNet).

Most organizations have consolidated their data and application processing to a number of primary facilities.  To utilize the Merit Wavelength Service, all locations must be connected to Merit by fiber.

There are multiple benefits to utilizing wavelength services, the most significant being the ability to have the fastest data exchange speed with the lowest latency possible between all key locations. Data-intensive needs such as research projects, backup and mirroring and medical imaging are quick and dependable, providing secure delivery of sensitive data between facilities. Additional benefits include:

  • Optimal site connections – Instead of a high-capacity circuit, deploy a protected wavelength that has identical services cost and much lower router costs in comparison.
  • Avoid slowdowns and network congestion – Merit Wavelength Service connects two geographically diverse points on the network without traversing the commodity internet.
  • Security – Sensitive data can be safeguarded with optional encryption.
  • Overall Quality and Support excellence – Merit’s exemplary support is available 24/7/365.

For more information about Merit Wavelength Services, please contact [email protected].