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Merit Security Summit Attracts Capacity Crowd

Note: This article from Merit's News Archive is over 2 years old. The information contained within it may be out of date, including missing images or broken links.

November 9, 2016

This year’s Merit Security Summit brought together Merit Members for a day of thoughful discussions and engaging presentations related to cybersecurity.

The keynote address by J. Alex Halderman, professor of computer science and engineering director at the University of Michigan’s Center for Computer Security and Society, dealt with the very timely topic of voting and cybersecurity. Halderman outlined the differences between electronic voting systems used by the 50 states and the security flaws with each. His conclusion was that the method of paper ballots and electronic scanning systems, which is what Michigan and few other state use, was much less likely to fail compared to touch-screen only voting systems, which had no physical ballots as a backup in the event of a malfunction. He also described how his research team was able to hack into a mock online election conducted by Washington D.C. in 2010; they found a weakness in the system’s source code and were able to completely alter the results of the election.

J. Alex Halderman (top) and Joe Adams speak at the Merit Security Summit.

A featured panel discussion on Michigan Cyber Range Hubs included staff from Wayne State University and Pinckney High School, which provided a thorough understanding of the goals and initiatives of the newest hubs. Both described how they have been able to connect with organizations in their area that are in need of cybersecurity resources and how they have prepared for their upcoming grand openings. Pinckney High School’s hub will open in December, and Wayne State’s will open in January.

In addition, the conference featured breakout sessions with presentations by cybersecurity experts and professionals. Topics ranged from detecting cyber attacks on smart grids and cybersecurity certification frameworks to cost-free ways to improve security and information technology risk management. Attendees gained insight into how other organizations are tackling a variety of cybersecurity issues on a daily basis.

The event ended with cybersecurity workshops taught by Joe Adams, Jason Brown and Pierrette Templeton of Merit Network. Adams discussed the costs and preparations necessary to conduct cybersecurity exercises, while the other workshop focused on implementing change management with security in mind.

Merit Members are invited to continue conversations started at the Summit, as well as find slides of presentations inside the Events Stream of the Merit Commons.

Early-bird registration is now available for the Michigan Cyber Range’s next cybersecurity conference and the Merit Member Conference. Make plans to join us and register now to save.