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Merit RADb Adds Significant New Tools and Improved Functionality

Note: This article from Merit's News Archive is over 2 years old. The information contained within it may be out of date, including missing images or broken links.

January 26, 2012

Merit RADb (, the world’s largest public routing registry, has bolstered the robust Merit RADb member portal with new features and other significant improvements. Networking professionals and Internet organizations around the world use the Merit RADb portal to monitor their network objects and the health of their routing assets. With the new features, they now have even more tools at their fingertips to keep tabs on their organization’s Internet routing.
Merit RADb logo
New features added include:

  • Global BGP Visibility: Allows Merit RADb users to examine the visibility of their network routes and AS numbers from a worldwide perspective, collecting data from 38 different BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) route table view points around the globe. Merit RADb distills the connectivity information and allows users to easily compare the BGP routes.

  • Route Asset Monitoring: Monitors diverse routing and host reputation data feeds and then sends email notifications at custom intervals. The new feature enables organizations to better monitor the health of their routing assets.

  • Bulk Network Object Uploading: Network object information can be uploaded as a group using a text file, which decreases the time it takes to add new routing information.

In addition to the new features, several tools within the Merit RADb member portal have been improved:

  • Allocation Check: Now uses allocation data directly obtained from the regional Internet routing registries, giving users the most current perspective on their routing.

  • Route Alerting: The tool was completely revamped to improve BGP monitoring, using 38 data feeds from BGPMon/Route views. The diverse routing sample gives better alerts to users regarding Internet routing issues.

  • Host Reputation: Users can now see how others view their network from a reputation perspective. Is your network viewed as a source of malware or malicious activity? Merit RADb can let you know. Host reputation examines over 20 distinct data sources to inform Merit RADb users of many types of malicious activity on their network, such as spam, malware, and botnets.

Organizations can subscribe to Merit RADb ( online and begin using the new features today to help maintain the health of their network.

Merit Network researchers will feature Merit RADb at NANOG54 in San Diego, California, on February 5-8, 2012.