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Merit Network’s Michigan Cyber Range Conference Focuses on Key Topic of Cyber Security

Note: This article from Merit's News Archive is over 2 years old. The information contained within it may be out of date, including missing images or broken links.

March 9, 2017

The Michigan Cyber Range will bring the cyber security discussion to the forefront at its 2017 public conference, “Networking, Staffing and Securing the 21st Century Workplace.” The event, open to Merit members as well as to the public, takes place on May 18, 2017 at The Henry, 300 Town Center, Dearborn.

The conference, said Merit President and CEO Joseph Sawasky, focuses on the changing organizational climate in educational, government, nonprofit and business groups. “In an age of ‘Bring Your Own Device’ and persistent global threats, keeping up with the latest advancements in cyber security and networking can be a full-time job in both public and private sector organizations,” Sawasky said. “The conference is designed to give practical solutions to professionals on this topic and others.”
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Dr. Joe Adams, Vice President for Research and Cyber Security and Executive Director of the Michigan Cyber Range adds, “Reports of data breaches emerge daily, but at the same time we’re building consumer electronics without keeping security top-of-mind. The Michigan Cyber Range conference aims to help people become aware of the risks associated with IoT devices and ways that users can safeguard their privacy and information.”

Presentation topics include:

  • Hacking prevention
  • Incident response
  • Social engineering
  • Digital forensics
  • BYOD and networking security
  • Workplace technical assessments
  • Security frameworks, policy and compliance

Keynote speakers include Marcel Gagné, Linux and open source expert; Kristin Judge, director of special projects and government relations for the National Cybersecurity Alliance and Chris Roberts, chief security architect, Acalvio Technologies.

One highlight of the event is the annual “Capture the Flag” tournament. Capture the Flag (CTF) is a computer challenge designed to cover the spectrum of cybersecurity. From Python scripting and web application hijacking to penetrating SCADA networks, reverse engineering and database hacking, the exercise challenges participants’ technical skills. CTF participants can win up to $600 in prizes.

Merit Community Supporters ADVA Optical Networking and Juniper Networks make the event possible. Silver sponsors include Access Interactive, Advisa, Aerohive, AmeriNet, Carasoft, Cisco, Cyber World Institute, Cylance and Lenovo.

The cost to attend is $139. For more information on the event, visit

About Michigan Cyber Range

The Michigan Cyber Range prepares cybersecurity professionals to detect, prevent and mitigate cyber-attacks in a real world setting. Certification courses, penetration testing and hands-on exercises and workshops are hosted on the range, an unclassified private cloud. The Michigan Cyber Range is hosted and facilitated by Merit Network in partnership with the State of Michigan.

About Merit

Merit Network is a nonprofit, member-owned organization governed by Michigan’s public universities. Founded in 1966, Merit owns and operates America’s longest-running regional research and education network. After 50 years of innovation, Merit continues to provide high-performance services to the educational communities in Michigan and beyond. For more information:
