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Merit Network and Michigan Cyber Range Announce Michigan Cybersecurity Industry Summit

Note: This article from Merit's News Archive is over 2 years old. The information contained within it may be out of date, including missing images or broken links.

March 5, 2013

ANN ARBOR, Mich. – Merit Network and the Michigan Cyber Range announced today the first annual Michigan Cybersecurity Industry Summit. The Summit will take place May 14, 2013 from 3:00-7:00 PM at the Sheraton Ann Arbor.
Michigan Cyber Range
The theme of this year’s Summit is Building Michigan’s Cybersecurity Industry. It will feature expert speakers from government and industry. In addition, a demonstration of the Michigan Cyber Range’s capabilities will introduce attendees to the education, training and testing capabilities that will help launch Michigan’s cybersecurity industry to the forefront of the global marketplace.

The Summit will feature the following speakers:

David Behen, CIO of the State of Michigan, on the governor’s vision for cybersecurity and what the state is doing to expand the IT industry in Michigan.

Dug Song, founder of Duo Security, on how to successfully train a skilled cybersecurity workforce.

Craig Labovitz, Ph.D., CEO and co-founder of Deepfield, on current Internet trends and the evolution of the cloud and cybersecurity.

This event is ideal for CIOs and IT executives who follow and support cybersecurity activities in Michigan.

About Michigan Cyber Range

The Michigan Cyber Range was developed in partnership with the State of Michigan to provide organizations with an unclassified, secure cybersecurity environment that can be used for training exercises, security applications, software testing, and educational purposes. It is hosted and facilitated by Merit Network and is sponsored by DTE Energy. The Range prepares cybersecurity professionals to detect, prevent and mitigate cyberattacks in a real-world setting, providing simulations that test the detection and reaction skills of participants in a variety of situations. The Michigan Cyber Range also offers certification courses for a number of cybersecurity disciplines, with instruction available on-site and live online. A full training schedule may be found at the Merit Michigan Cyber Range web site:

About Merit Network

Merit Network Inc., is a nonprofit corporation owned and governed by Michigan’s public universities. Merit owns and operates America’s longest-running regional research and education network. In 1966, Michigan’s public universities created Merit as a shared resource to help meet their common need for networking assistance. Since its formation, Merit Network has remained on the forefront of research and education networking expertise and services. Merit provides high-performance networking and IT solutions to Michigan’s public universities, colleges, K-12 organizations, libraries, state government, healthcare, and other non-profit organizations.

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