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Merit Member Conference 2019 Presents a Trio of Awards to Michigan Community Driven Leaders

Note: This article from Merit's News Archive is over 2 years old. The information contained within it may be out of date, including missing images or broken links.

June 3, 2019

On May 8th and 9th, the Merit Member Conference, Voyage to the Future, offered informative sessions, memorable keynote speakers and the chance to collaborate with colleagues within each supported community.

Each year the Merit Awards recognize Members that assist our community in upholding free expression, promoting positive learning opportunities, facilitating economic development and growing their individual organizations. Merit recognizes the fundamental importance of continued innovation and a commitment to advancing research, education networking pathways, development and the cybersecurity of our organizations.

Three instances that deserve special recognition this year from the Merit Community:

The award for Innovation, Networking and Information Technology recognizes organizations and individuals that enhance their work by using networking and related technologies in novel ways. This year it went to Johannes Bauer, Quello Chair for Media and Information Policy, and the Quello Center, at Michigan State University for their contribution to the Michigan Moonshot Initiative.

Pictured left to right: Joe Sawasky, President & CEO of Merit Network, Ken Trumbull, Community Engagement Manager of Merit Network, LaLeah Fernandez, Assistant Director of the Quello Center at Michigan State University, Johannes Bauer, Quello Chair for Media and Information Policy at Michigan State University, Charlotte Bewersdorff, Vice President of Member Engagement & Marketing of Merit Network.


The award for Community Building recognizes organizations and individuals that build communities to help enhance networking, technology and collaboration. This year the award went to Matt McMahon and Gratiot-Isabella RESD for spearheading the K-12 Security Framework document for the K12 community and beyond.

Pictured left to right: Joe Sawasky,President & CEO of Merit Network, Matt McMahon, Associate Superintendent for Technology at Gratiot-Isabella RESD, and Jenny Kirshman, MISEN Program Manager at Merit Network.





The award for Meritorious Service recognizes individuals who have shown long-term dedication to Merit’s mission through their support and involvement. This was given to Eastern Michigan University for their contribution to the Gamers for Giving Program – an outreach computer tournament that provides technology to hospitalized children. The 2019 initiative raised over $635,000.

Pictured left to right: Joe Sawasky, President & CEO of Merit Network, Ron Woody, Chief Information Officer at Eastern Michigan University, and Ken Trumbull, Community Engagement Manager of Merit Network

Merit thanks everyone for continuing to spread and uphold the mission of networking, community and collaboration. To nominate a member organization for 2020’s Merit Awards, email [email protected].