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Members in the News – April 2017

Note: This article from Merit's News Archive is over 2 years old. The information contained within it may be out of date, including missing images or broken links.

April 13, 2017

NMU Receives $6.5 Million for Broadband Expansion

Northern Michigan University will receive a $6.5 million Investment Fund Award from the Michigan Strategic Fund to accelerate its effort to extend high-speed educational broadband throughout the Upper Peninsula. The funds will be used to build out and equip 64 cities and townships over a two-year period.

The Xenex LightStrike Germ-Zapping Robot
is sanitizing locations at Henry Ford
Allegiance Health.






Henry Ford Allegiance Health Deploys Germ-Zapping Robots to Enhance Patient Safety

Henry Ford Allegiance Health is now using germ-zapping robots to destroy dangerous germs on hospital surfaces and further reduce the potential for hospital-acquired infections. The Xenex LightStrike Germ-Zapping Robot uses Full Spectrum pulsed xenon ultraviolet (UV) light to quickly destroy bacteria, viruses, fungi and bacterial spores. The portable disinfection system is also effective against pathogens such as C. diff, norovirus, influenza, Ebola and MRSA.

OU Receives NSF Grant for Project to Engage High School Students, Minorities in STEM Fields

As part of a collaborative research project, Oakland University and Tuskegee University in Alabama have been awarded $894,655 by the National Science Foundation in order to encourage high school students from underrepresented minority groups to pursue degrees and careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) related fields.

Cybersecurity Summer Academic Camp

In June, Ferris State University is hosting a cybersecurity summer camp for high school students, aged 15 years and up. Respond to and investigate a crime scene through the eyes of a digital forensic analyst. Students will gain the fundamental experience needed to be a cyber investigator through hands on tools and practice led by professors. The camp will include team activities surrounding password cracking and cryptology.