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Joint Letter to Congress on Broadband in Stimulus Bills

Note: This article from Merit's News Archive is over 2 years old. The information contained within it may be out of date, including missing images or broken links.

April 29, 2020

Merit Network, Inc. Joins 217 Groups Urging Congress to Support Affordable Broadband Access in Stimulus Bills

Today, Merit Network, Inc. joined 217 other public interest, government, industry, civil rights, rural advocacy, and academic groups – alongside schools and libraries – in a letter urging Congress to support access to affordable broadband internet in forthcoming COVID-19 stimulus packages.

In the letter, Merit Network, Inc. and other organizations argue that tens of millions of Americans – particularly low-income families, rural residents, and people of color – lack broadband access, leaving our most vulnerable communities struggling to stay connected with school, work, healthcare, entertainment, and their loved ones during the pandemic. Additionally, more than 26 million Americans and counting have lost their jobs due to the pandemic, and these individuals may struggle to pay their broadband bills – if broadband is available to them at all.

If Congress wants to help people stay connected and engaged from home, then lawmakers should make it possible for every American to do so. Merit Network, Inc. urges Congress to enact policies that ensure everyone has broadband internet – especially at a time when our communication tools have never been more critical.

The full letter can be viewed below.

You may also join the conversation using #WeNeedBroadband.

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