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Jason Brown selected as Merit’s 1st Chief Information Security Officer

Note: This article from Merit's News Archive is over 2 years old. The information contained within it may be out of date, including missing images or broken links.

October 13, 2015

ANN ARBOR, Mich. – As part of an ongoing mission to strengthen Merit Network’s infrastructure, data and Member institutions from potential cyberattack, the non-profit organization announces the appointment of Jason Brown as its first Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).

Merit plays a key role in cyber defense for its Members, comprised of Higher Ed, K-12, community colleges, libraries, local and state government, and other non-profits and public institutions, by providing training, services and consulting to boost Member institutions’ security efforts. Merit’s robust suite of cybersecurity defense solutions range from cybersecurity certification training to force-on-force exercises to managed cybersecurity defense services.
Jason Brown
Mr. Brown will report to Dr. William J. (Joe) Adams, vice president of research and cybersecurity for Merit. “I’m very pleased to welcome Jason to the team. His experience and energy will be key for Merit as we develop our security program. Jason will also work with our Membership, and we’re planning opportunities for him to get on the road and meet with our Members to help them develop their security architectures and programs.”

Jason’s passion is security and education. For the past eight years, he has been working his way up in the industry, starting as a network technician at Ferris State University, one of Merit’s governing members, to recently being named as one of only two enterprise security architects for the State of Michigan. Jason earned his bachelor’s degree in information technology from Central Michigan University in 2007, and his master’s in management information systems from Ferris State University in 2009. His dedication to continuing education has earned him several certifications, including CCNA and CISSO. Jason has always aimed to become a leader in information security, and says he is thrilled to start his next chapter as Merit Network’s 1st Chief Information Security Officer.

“With training on the Cyber Range and other initiatives, Merit is leading the way for cyber security in the state of Michigan. I’m excited to help lead Merit Network into the future of information security, not only for the company, but most importantly for the Members it serves,” said Jason Brown.

This new role signals an important step for Merit Network. Increasingly, education and other public organizations are recognizing the need for cyber defense strategies, while simultaneously contending with reduced budgets and small IT teams. As a membership organization, Merit seeks to provide its community with proactive IT and cybersecurity defense solutions to effectively modernize and manage their networks. Merit’s mission is to advance member success, research, economic development, collaboration, and professional development by leveraging its network infrastructure, expertise and the value of its Member communities.

About Merit Network

Merit Network Inc., is a nonprofit corporation owned and governed by Michigan’s public universities. Merit owns and operates America’s longest-running regional research and education network. In 1966, Michigan’s public universities created Merit as a shared resource to help meet their common need for networking assistance. Since its formation, Merit Network has remained at the forefront of research and education networking expertise and services. Merit provides high-performance networking and IT solutions to Michigan’s public universities, colleges, K-12 organizations, libraries, state government, healthcare, and other non-profit organizations.

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