March 16, 2016
When Merit Professional Learning morphed into Merit Professional Development, one of our goals became offering training to our Members that goes beyond nuts and bolts. Technology tools and knowledge are important, as is leadership and management—both resource and human.

Enter Dr. Denise Williams, a Performance Consultant with the University of Michigan Health System, who will be with us on Wednesday, March 23 to provide tools and skills to recruit and retain quality staff. Dr. Williams focuses on diversity and inclusion, and she will include information on how our hidden biases can prevent staff from reaching their full potential.
We also have an Agile (LLAMA method) Project Management class this month, with a workshop component. Agile Project Management was created by and for software developers. The LLAMA (Lot Like Agile Management Approach) takes the same principles and applies them to all kinds of projects other than software development. Agile stresses communication and customer satisfaction. Probably the best known component of Agile is the Daily Stand-Up—a morning meeting where everyone shares what they are working on that day and if they need any help from anyone. Agile, though, is much more than encouragement to hold short, stand-up meetings every day. The Agile Manifesto lets you know that Agile is about getting work done.

I am excited to be bringing these classes and workshops to you, and I look forward to bringing more as time progresses. What “not-necessarily-tech” training and information are you looking for? Let me know at [email protected].