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Gas Up the Car and Head to a Nearby Cybersecurity Conference

Note: This article from Merit's News Archive is over 2 years old. The information contained within it may be out of date, including missing images or broken links.

May 8, 2017

The Michigan Cyber Range’s annual conference, MCRCon, has sold out, but don’t worry there are more upcoming cybersecurity events in the Midwest that you can attend, including Merit’s own Security Summit. Pack up your security friends and head off to one of these fine events.

Converge Conference & B-sides Detroit
May 11-13, 2017
Cobo Hall in Detroit, Michigan

The Converge Conference features presentations for all levels of cybersecurity professionals, from developers and penetration testers to executives. Keynote speakers include Jim Beechey from Consumers Energy, Joel Cardella from Rapid7, David Giard from Microsoft and Wendy Nather from Duo Security. Data security, network security, hacking, incident response, career planning and more are covered. Admission to the Converge Conference is $150, while admission to B-sides Detroit on May 13th is free.

MI InfraGard 2017 Annual Great Lakes Conference
May 25, 2017
University of Detroit Mercy in Detroit, Michigan

The theme of this year’s conference is “Securing our Critical Infrastructures,” and the event will feature several speakers from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. U.S. Senator Gary Peters will speak in the morning, and there will be presentations on Michigan cybersecurity initiatives, cyber threats, information security and more throughout the day. The cost is $99
for general admission and $49 for students.

DerbyCon 7.0 – “Legacy”
September 20-24, 2017
Hyatt Louisville Kentucky in Louisville, Kentucky

The seventh annual cybersecurity conference features something for everyone, from seasoned cybersecurity pros to hobbyists. The event usually sells out, so you need to get your tickets early. For an additional price, you can take a training course, such as “Code Security: For Hackers and Developers.”

Michigan Cyber Security Conference
October 19, 2017
JW Marriott in Grand Rapids, Michigan

The conference features presentations on several cybersecurity topics. The event is hosted by by Trivalent Group, the Better Business Bureau of Western Michigan, the West Michigan Cyber Security Consortium and the Small Business Development Center of Michigan. Registration for the fourth annual conference is free.

GrrCon Cyber Security Summit & Hacker Conference
October 26-27, 2017
DeVos Place in Grand Rapids, Michigan

GrrCon is a mostly technical conference with tactical-level discussions on information security and hacking. Chief information security officers, security practitioners, hackers, students and researchers will enjoy themselves at GrrCon. Tickets range from $50 to $350.

2017 North American International Cyber Summit
October 30, 2017
Cobo Center in Detroit, Michigan

Hosted by Governor Rick Snyder, the sixth-annual NAICS brings together cybersecurity experts from around the globe for a day to discuss issues impacting the world. Breakout sessions will include presentations related to business, defense, education, government, healthcare, information technology, law enforcement and more. Plus the finals of 2nd Annual Governor’s High School Cyber Challenge will take place at the event. There’s still time for high school students to be involved in this awesome competition. The cost is $74 to attend NAICS.

Merit’s Fall Security Summit
Early November, 2017
Location To Be Determined

Cybersecurity will be the focus of Merit’s annual Fall Summit. Experts, practitioners and providers of cybersecurity will present at this day-long event, which will continue the themes and topics discussed at MCRCon.