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Digital Inclusion: #FixTheDamnInternet for Michigan Students

Note: This article from Merit's News Archive is over 2 years old. The information contained within it may be out of date, including missing images or broken links.

June 17, 2019

An estimated 27% of students lack access to broadband in their homes. To spur discussion on closing this divide, this session will raise awareness around rural broadband connectivity issues in Michigan that exacerbate the “homework gap” and affect digital inclusion. Panelists will explore a variety of approaches, including community coalitions, changes in regulation, and public/private partnerships, which can be used to connect the underserved and impact Michigan’s collective progress.


2019 Mackinac Policy Conference


Johannes M. Bauer, Quello Chair for Media and Information Policy, Chairperson of the Department of Media and Information, Michigan State University

Garlin Gilchrist II, Lieutenant Governor, State of Michigan

Marc Hudson, Founder and CEO, Rocket Fiber

Moderator: Joe Sawasky, President and CEO, Merit Network


Special Thanks To: Detroit Public Television for the recording!