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Announcing Two Courses on Managing Software Licensing and Compliance

Note: This article from Merit's News Archive is over 2 years old. The information contained within it may be out of date, including missing images or broken links.

December 14, 2010

Merit Network is pleased to present LicenseLogic’s Certified Software Manager (CSM) and Advanced Software Manager (ASM), two one-day classes that deliver the key knowledge your organization needs to manage its software assets effectively, ethically and legally. The classes will be presented in Ann Arbor on February 9-10, 2011.

Through the contributions of the Merit Community Supporters, significant discounts are available to Merit Members to attend both classes and to send multiple attendees. Scholarships are also available.

About the classes

Effective management of software within an organization can enhance operations, save money, and avoid complicated and costly legal issues. Certified Software Manager begins toward that goal with with a solid background on copyright law and piracy, and goes on to discuss software licensing principles, anti-piracy efforts and compliance practices. Finally, the course demonstrates how your organization can develop, communicate and execute an effective software management plan.

Advanced Software Manager builds upon CSM by delving into the logistics and methods of asset management plan enforcement, vendor management and auditing procedures, among other topics.

Both classes include the accompanying certification test, a $100 value.

Who should attend?

These classes, delivered by LicenseLogic of Washington, D.C., are highly valuable for any professional with a role in the software life cycle. A sample of those who will benefit from CSM and ASM:

  • IT Administrators
  • IT Coordinators
  • IT Asset Managers
  • IT Services Managers
  • Contracts Managers
  • Helpdesk and Desktop Support
  • Network Administrators
  • Purchasing Managers
  • Software Licensing Managers
  • Software Compliance Managers
  • System Administrators

It can be especially beneficial for organizations to provide this training to multiple staff members in different functional areas, to provide thorough understanding and consistent application of policies.

Scholarships available

Through the Merit Community Supporter Program, scholarships are available to cover part or all of the registration fees for individuals from Merit Member organizations who have demonstrated financial need. Application is required by January 12. Please visit the web site for complete information.
Course details and registration

Certified Software Manager and Advanced Software Manager will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, February 9 and 10, 2011 at Merit Network’s offices in Ann Arbor.

Registration for single attendees from Merit Member organizations is $549 per class or $998 for both (a $100 savings to attend both classes). Attendees not affiliated with a Merit Member organization may register for LicenseLogic’s standard price of $695 per class or $1390 for both.

Merit Member organizations can achieve further discounts by enrolling multiple participants. Send two or more attendees for one class and reduce your price by $50 per attendee to $499. Send two or more attendees to both classes and reduce your price to $898 per attendee, an additional savings of $100 (and 35% off the usual price for these courses). To arrange for the group discounts, please send email to [email protected] naming the individuals you plan to have attend, and we will respond with instructions for you to use during registration.

Registration is available online, and payment can be made by credit card, check, or purchase order.

For more information, please contact [email protected]