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LIFT-UP Project Fiber Construction RFP

June 27, 2024

Merit Network, Inc. (Merit) is soliciting proposals from experienced vendors who can provide Fiber Construction services. We invite your company to submit a bid for the items described in the Request for Proposal posted below. Merit intends to award a contract for a single term lasting through the completion of services.

Merit has been awarded the Leveraging Infrastructure for Transforming the Upper Peninsula (LIFT-UP) Broadband Project by the Economic Development Administration (EDA). This project will be partially funded with Federal funds from the United States Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration and therefore is subject to the Federal laws and regulations associated with that program.

Thank you to all participants who submitted their bids for the LIFT-UP Project RFP. We have now opened and recorded all received bids, which can be viewed here.

Announcement: LIFT-UP Construction RFP Awarded

We are pleased to announce that DB Fiber Communications has been awarded the contract for the LIFT-UP Construction RFP. Thank you to all who submitted proposals and for your continued interest in our initiatives.