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AFC Ann Arbor Scores Michigan Cyber Range Hubs’ Support

Note: This article from Merit's News Archive is over 2 years old. The information contained within it may be out of date, including missing images or broken links.

April 27, 2017

Merit Network is proud to announce that the Michigan Cyber Range Hubs will be supporting Association Football Club Ann Arbor (AFC Ann Arbor) during their 2017 campaign. The team kicks off their exciting season on April 30th at Saline High School in Saline against Oakland County FC.

AFC Ann Arbor is Washtenaw County’s only semi-professional soccer team and competes against other teams from around Michigan and the Midwest in the National Premier Soccer League (NPSL). The team includes graduates of the University of Michigan, Western Michigan University, Madonna University, Northwood University, Schoolcraft College and Saginaw Valley State University.


AFC Ann Arbor is playing their third season of semi-pro soccer.



You can watch the team play its home games at Ann Arbor Pioneer High School’s Holloway Field.

Members of Merit Network’s Michigan Cyber Range will be hosting a booth at the following games. The ticket backs for these games will feature 25% off cybersecurity certification courses at a Cyber Range Hub–the only place these coupons are available. Please stop by and visit us.

April 30th @ 6 PM
AFC Ann Arbor vs. Oakland County FC
Saline High School/Saline

May 21st @ 1 PM
AFC Ann Arbor vs. Detroit City FC
Ann Arbor Pioneer High School/Ann Arbor

June 24th @ 7 PM
AFC Ann Arbor vs. FC Indiana
Ann Arbor Pioneer High School/Ann Arbor

July 17th @ 7 PM
AFC Ann Arbor vs. Michigan Stars FC
Ann Arbor Pioneer High School/Ann Arbor

View the entire AFC Ann Arbor schedule.