March 24, 2023
Last year, the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) removed the annual legacy maintenance fee cap for Legacy Registration Services Agreements (RSAs). ARIN has so far capped total annual fees for LRSA customers, but that will change at the end of this year. Such agreements allow access to ARIN routing security services such as reverse DNSSEC and RPKI, among other benefits. We encourage organizations with legacy agreements to go to the following resources to learn more about the changes and the process for completing the Legacy Registration Services Agreement (LRSA).
Internet2 – Advanced Networking News
Internet2 – ARIN Agreement Fee Changes For Legacy Resources
ARIN’s Routing Security Services Play Important Role for the Research and Education Community
Does signing an ARIN agreement impact the ability to transfer or sell the IP addresses?
Additional information from ARIN
For questions, or to understand how your organization is affected, please contact ARIN directly at: [email protected].