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Majorie & Charles Benton Opportunity Fund Fellowship

As more communities devise their own broadband solutions leveraging federal funding, what makes for successful efforts that are responsive to community needs? Many people seeking to enhance broadband connectivity in their communities often feel overwhelmed, believing they lack the necessary expertise or qualifications to make an impact, or that their efforts might be ineffective as they do not hold official municipal roles. Through studying the commonalities and differences that contributed to community champions’ approaches, and the lessons and tactics they utilized, this research illustrates how anyone can emerge as a broadband champion in their own community. The work of community champions is important, but research revealed that technical knowhow was not the determining factor. What mattered to their success was the personal qualities they brought to bear, how they worked with partners and overcame opposition and finally, their commitment to the cause. This project, supported by the Marjorie & Charles Benton Opportunity Fund, shares the stories of broadband community champions and the factors that contributed to their success.

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