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Michigan Moonshot Broadband Framework

Expanding Community Networks in Michigan features information on access technologies, ways to navigate funding challenges, best practices for consensus building and:

  • Granular broadband coverage maps of some Michigan Counties
  • Research on Michigan’s K-12 students and their struggles with accessing quality internet service
  • How and where to get funding for your community network project
  • Success stories from Michigan communities that have developed municipal and community networks
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This crowdsourced framework will serve as a community network primer and the basis for planning your community’s roadmap. Contained within, you’ll find overviews on policy and technology, community success stories, links to myriad resources and planning tools from national broadband leaders and a phased plan for building a regional network. While much of this information exists in locations scattered across the web, this unique curation was carefully designed by leading experts to serve as a comprehensive playbook for communities that are committed to improving broadband access for their citizens.

Solving the broadband access challenge requires shared vision and partnerships from a coalition of stakeholders: public, nonprofit and private organizations, service providers, governmental agencies, educational institutions, regional broadband champions, policymakers and citizens. An ecosystem of partners and collaboration is critical for community broadband network success, and that is what the Michigan Moonshot is really all about.

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