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Could It Be Me? Should It Be Me?

May 8, 2024

Understanding What Makes Broadband Champions

Broadband champions can be the decisive factors in efforts to improve community connectivity. Their dedication has proved to be crucial in helping their districts get high-speed broadband.

Since June 2023, Dr. Pierrette Renee Dagg, a Marjorie and Charles Benton Opportunity Fund Fellow, published six profiles from various Michigan communities, showcasing how eight broadband champions adapted to the distinct needs and situations of their communities.

Today Dr. Dagg published Could It Be Me? Should It Be Me? Understanding What Makes Broadband Champions. This report showcases the results of Dr. Dagg’s examination and delves into the stories of broadband community champions and the factors that contributed to their success.

This analysis categorizes the champions based on traits and actions such as technical expertise, formal roles, and leadership self-identification. Learn how these qualities educated, communicated, and inspired stakeholders and collaborators with their communities.

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